Emergency Lighting for Your Commercial Building in Baltimore

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The Importance of Emergency Lighting in A Commercial Building

When a power outage occurs, it is important to be ready. For retail locations and commercial offices, is a mandated requirement that all these facilities have emergency backup lights in the key areas. The emergency lights ensure that routes and exits will be illuminated adequately for a safe evacuation. Let’s take a look at some factors to consider when designing your emergency lighting system.

Design Factors of an Emergency Lighting System


Emergency Lighting System DesignThe key areas where these lights must be installed include aisles, corridors, escalators,  passageways leading to an exit, and ramps. Emergency lights can be integrated into the general overhead lighting system or located throughout the walls in compact units.

Levels of Illumination

The level of illumination, the quality, and consistency of emergency lights are essential for the building occupants’ safety. Proper emergency lighting not only depends on the levels of illumination but the direction and distribution. All these factors contribute to better visibility and a successful emergency lighting design. A reliable commercial electric company will help you install adequate emergency lighting illuminance (the level of light falling on a surface).

Power Source

The emergency lighting system must be connected to a secondary power source such as batteries or generators. Also, it must be supported by at least two sources of functional power so that in the event the first source fails; it does not affect the capability of the second source.

If you do not have emergency lights yet, or your existing ones require replacement or repair, do not hesitate to contact the expert electricians at GN Electric in Baltimore. We can help you design an emergency lighting system that meets your business needs and in compliance with local regulations.Commercial Building Emergency Lighting

We also operate in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and Colorado. Call us at 410.893.5560 or get your free consultation here.

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