Upscale Your Indoor Parking Areas with LED Lights

 In Blog, interior lighting

Provide Improved Parking Facilities to Customers

Parking garages and multi-store car parks often have old technology like fluorescent lights, halogens, and metal halide, lighting these spaces 24/7. Too often these lighting solutions generate places that are poorly lit and unsafe while costing the building owners more than what they need to spend. Creating a secure and safe environment is critical in the indoor parking area of your business. With LED parking garage light fixtures, you will not only provide superior lighting but reduce energy consumption and reduce maintenance costs. Let’s take a look at more benefits of illuminating your parking garage with LED lights.

Advantages of LED lights for your Parking Garage

If you are currently lighting your commercial building parking lot in Baltimore, LEDs are a perfect solution to provide illumination to areas for vehicle use.

Energy and Cost Savings

On average, a LED’s services life is five to ten times that of a High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamp. Also, some LED bulbs can reduce energy consumption by more than 65%. This means that by upgrading to LED lights, you will be saving on energy and maintenance costs, and your garage will be brighter and safer. On top of this, maintenance is reduced since LEDs last approximately 50,000 to 85,000 hours. Paybacks for upgrading traditional lighting systems to a new energy efficient LED system are always measured in months!benefits of illuminating your parking garage with LED lights


Improved Lighting Quality

The traditional light alternatives such as fluorescent bulbs and HID lamps eventually become buzzing and flickering lights, or produce under-lit areas; all of which lead to a safer garage. LED bulbs deliver superior light illumination because the light is more evenly “distributed’’ across a surface. And, quality lighting will reassure the users, attract more customers and improve the environment.


The LED lights way of illuminating delivers an improved lighting which means the security cameras can display more clearly. Plus, it gives customers the feeling of safety when they enter a garage.parking garage illuminated by LEDs

A commercial lighting contractor like GN Electric can help you with the installation of your new lighting system. To find out more information on a parking garage retrofit that fits your application, contact our expert electricians to set up a free consultation for an LED lighting retrofit.

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