Lighting Your Hotel Lobby Like A Pro

 In Blog, interior lighting

Creating a Functional and Visual Appealing Lobby

Having a well-lit lobby is paramount to your hotel. An appealing and comfortable look will influence people in deciding whether to stay at your hotel. Along with your furniture, textures, and colors, lights are an essential element of the lobby design. That is why our expert electrician would like to share how to create a functional yet appealing lobby.

Three Lobby Lighting Tips

Design a Hotel Lobby that Creates an Impact

When designing your hotel lobby don’t forget that lighting fixtures are important. Choose unique lighting lamps. Companies like GN Electric will work with you to make sure that your lighting is like no other. They will help you find the styles and arrangements that will work best for your hotel. The main idea is to come up with a setting that will create a positive atmosphere for everyone that walks through your doors.

Aim for a Familiar and Friendly Atmosphere

Elegant is always good, however, you don’t want it to be excessively flamboyant. The lighting itself should be warm and friendly. People are making this their temporary home and they want to experience that familiar feeling as close as their actual homes from the moment they enter your hotel. Look for lights with calm and gentle tones. And stay away from fluorescent lighting as this type of lighting will generate the opposite feeling. An elegant but relaxing atmosphere with an at-home feel is what works best.Lobby Lighting Tips


Go for Energy Efficient Alternatives

There are many lighting bulbs that will help not only to have an amazing lobby but are environment-friendly. Plus, you will save a substantial amount money on energy bills as well.

If you need help lighting the lobby of your hotel in Baltimore, GN Electric experts can help. We are your number one lighting company in the area. Call us at 410.893.5560 to discuss your options.

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