Commercial Lighting Solutions: Low-Voltage Lighting

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Use Low-Voltage Fixtures to Light Your Commercial Building

Low-voltage lighting was originally developed for illuminating outdoor spaces, but eventually evolved, and now it is widespread for lighting applications from track lighting, to strip lighting. With the help of a transformer, these systems lower normal line voltage (usually 120 volts) to 12 or 24 volts. So, what does low-voltage lighting do that regular line voltage can’t?

1. Safety

Mostly, low-voltage lighting is used outdoors to illuminate landscapes because a low voltage light source does not pose a risk of dangerous electric shock if someone were to get in contact with the wire. A 120 voltage lighting poses a risk of electrocution if the wire is exposed. However, there are now more alternatives to illuminate the inside of a building.

Also, low-voltage lights are safer to install because they use as little as 12 volts of electricity.

2. Light Quality

lighting alternative with low voltage bulbsThe light produced by this type bulbs looks more natural than high-voltage bulbs, which produce light that is more scattered. Also, because of their design (the filament is smaller than that in a standard lamp), less light is diffused, so they offer a high degree of optical control using just the lamp’s reflector.

2. Energy

They are highly energy-efficient systems, especially when compared to incandescent bulbs. A low-voltage light can emit as much light as an incandescent bulb, but using up to 20% less energy than the required by those.

 3. Lamp Life

Low-voltage lights last fifty times longer than incandescent and halogen bulbs, which translates into savings on bulb replacements. Plus, low-voltage lamps also break less frequently than high-voltage lamps because they’re more shock and vibration resistant.

4. Versatility

Low-voltage systems are smaller when compared to other bulbs and other types of lighting. This characteristic gives you the opportunity to put lighting applications in smaller places where incandescent bulbs won’t fit.

Low-voltage lighting in libraryApart from the size, this lighting alternative is also appreciated because of the various fixtures, lenses, bulbs, and beams available in the market, which make them more versatile than the line voltage alternative for illuminating artwork and to create special environments and lighting workspaces.

Once you are ready to illuminate your outdoor spaces with low-voltage lighting, contact GN Electric to install your system hassle-free. We are a reliable electric company in Baltimore.

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