How Color Rendering Index Affects the Quality of Lighting?

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Business Lighting Quality

Knowledge about your business technologies will help you make better decisions, and light bulbs are no expectation. In this blog, we will explain one of the basic concepts of light bulbs. The Color Rendering Index which along with the color temperature is a critical aspect when it comes to the quality of light to your business.

Color Rendering Index

Business Lighting QualityColor Rendering Index (CRI) is a measurement of how a light source affects the perceived color of objects on which their light falls. On a scale that goes from 0 to 100, lower CRI values mean that the colors you will see when using the light source will differ from the ones you would see during the daylight. While higher CRI values will make colors appear as close to real colors as possible. A CRI of 100 refers to daylight and it is considered the most natural and precise form of light.

Selecting A Lighting Source CRI

If what you need is overall illumination that does not require objects aesthetic qualities to stand out, the best way to go is with CRIs below 70. Contrary, if what you need is light bulbs that will emulate natural daylight as faithfully as possible, higher CRI values are your best bet.

Street Lights - LanternStreet, pathway or parking lighting can use lower CRI light sources while photography, medical facilities, art galleries and cinematography usually need light sources with a high CRI.

If your business involves precision work, like in retail stores and boutiques, look for CRIs greater than 80.

If what you want is to promote concentration and higher productivity in your workspaces, we recommend lamps with CRI greater than 70.

In sum, you should select a lighting source according to the purpose of your lighting. Stay tuned to learn about the color temperature and other important aspects of lighting.

If you need professional help to light your commercial building, contact GN Electric. We are a reliable electrical contractor in Baltimore.

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