Advantages of Motion Sensors Paired with LED Lights

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Motion Sensors for Smart Lighting of Your Retail Store

Every retailer’s interest is to boost sales while providing customer service excellence and a comfortable environment to their clients; plus ultimately reducing the energy bills while doing business. If you want to achieve those goals and more, one of the simplest ways is to implement smart lighting by using LED lights activated by motion sensors.

Here are some of the most significant benefits of combining these two lighting technologies:

Gets Customer Attention in Retail Stores

Motion activated lighting will catch the customer’s eye so they can notice a particular product more efficiently than signs with large bold lettering, to which the public has become blind.

Increases Convenience

By using motion sensors to turn the lights on and off, you will avoid some inconveniences for visitors or employees unfamiliar with the room. For example, you will eliminate the sometimes challenging task having to find the light switch in a dark room; not mentioning when they’re outside the room. Add to this when a person is entering a dark area using both hands to carry something. These inconveniences go away with LEDs activated by motion sensors.

Improves Safety

With motion activated LED lighting people can watch their step where they need it. This will eliminate the need of leaving the lights on all the time, thus, saving on energy bills.

benefits of combining motion sensors with LED lights

Extends the Working Life of LEDs

Although many LEDs last up to 50,000 hours, turning them off when not needed further increments their longevity, which ultimately leads to saving money on the LED replacements and installation labor.

Saves Energy

It is no secret that LED lights are one of the best energy-efficient lighting alternatives. So, why not get more of this benefit by having them turn off automatically when no one is using a room, and switch on whenever someone enters the room? Unlike other lighting options, LEDs require no warm-up time. Plus, they have no problems with being turned on and off as people go in and out of an area. Another benefit is that there is no need for you or a collaborator to make sure the lights are off at the end of the day.

enhance the electrical system of your Baltimore business

If you want to learn more about lighting solutions for your retail store, check our blog section or call GN Electric experts at 410.893.5560. We can help you install or replace your commercial lights or enhance the overall electrical system of your Baltimore business.

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