Why You Should Use LED Lights to Illuminate Retail Stores
The Damaging Effects of CFL and Fluorescent Lighting to Your Products
Just like your skin, plastics and fabrics are affected by ultraviolet (UV) rays. They can fade dyes, paint, and break down many types of plastics such as nylon, polypropylene, polycarbonate, polystyrene, PVC, and vinyl.
So, what does this have to do with retail store lighting? All types of fluorescent bulbs use low-pressure mercury vapor stimulated by an electric current, which emits UV rays. Thus, lights commonly used in retail such as CFL and fluorescent bulbs produce UV radiation. As a retailer, most of your goods are affected by those rays, which will fade any of your products that have dyes, and clothing is no exception.
The degree of the effects of UV will depend on its intensity, the duration of exposure, and the proximity of the bulb to the item. Demonstration items that are not intended for immediate sale and that are brightly lit with CFL or fluorescent lighting are most at risk. Even the interior decoration of your store is faded by long-term exposure to these lighting options. Artwork and paintings, whether for sale or used as decoration, should never be exposed to UV.
Switch to LED Lighting
LEDs don’t emit ultraviolet rays. In addition to this valuable characteristic, LED lighting brings more benefits to your businesses:
- LED lighting systems are adaptable and flexible for all retail store needs.
- Provide general, overall store lighting ranging from toned down and warm to cold and bright.
- Outputs pure white light that doesn’t alter color perception.
- LED’s produce very little heat, which will reduce your AC power bills.
- Different LED fixtures can be set in places that need better task lighting, including checkouts, dressing rooms, and store entrances.
- Accent LED lighting for specific areas can be tuned across a wide range of colors to provide adequate illumination to separate display spots, bring out features of products that are showcased in display cases or nooks, and to emphasize artwork and decoration.
- Modern LED bulbs are designed to fit unique decorative lighting that reflects a store’s brand and style.
Wait no more! Switch to LED retail store lights so you can start experiencing their amazing benefits!
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